"I'm sorry I must leave, but I must do what is asked of me by my God, my Country, and my Corps.. and so, the war blog begins, again." ~B

12 October 2011

Book of the Week: Lost in America by Colby Buzzell

Book of the Week was Lost in America: A Dead-End Journey by Colby Buzzell.  Buzzell is a former milblogger of My War: Killing Time in Iraq fame.  Overall, an interesting read.  A road memoir that pays homage to Kerouac, Buzzell paints a picture of every day America in tough economic times.  He also chronicles an inner journey towards peace and purpose as he navigates post-war existence, the loss of his mother, and his new introduction to fatherhood.

I empathize with this journey.  Making your way in a world where the opportunities you were promised have come and gone already.  Where purpose and meaning have come inextricably interwoven with war.   Where there is little direction for your life so you just keeping moving, keep stepping forward, hoping to stumble upon the place where lost becomes found.